14 Things That Cat Owners Know to Be True
by Wendi Aarons
Published on March 21, 2014
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If you live with a feline companion, you know that cats can be quirky and totally entertaining. (Even if they’d never admit it in a million, trillion years.) Here are just a few of our favorite cat-isms, some with sandpaper tongue firmly in cheek. Did we miss any of yours?
1. Cats are relaxed.

2. Very, very relaxed.

3. Until the millisecond they decide they’re not.

4. A cat appreciates a litterbox, but doesn’t always need one.

5. Cats show their love and affection to their owners in various ways. Some of those ways include a dead mouse.

6. Cats love water.

7. Just not a lot of it.

8. If you travel with a cat, you’re gonna want to let her explore (and learn to love) her carrier before you leave. Cats might love getting in boxes, but that doesn’t mean they’re going to cooperate immediately when introduced to a new one!

9. Toes on top of a blanket are safe. Toes underneath a blanket are prey.

10. Dogs might think cats like them, but that’s only because that’s what the cat wants them to think.

11. Kitten is clearly just another word for “ninja.”

12. No space is too small to squeeze inside.

13. The cat’s never in your spot. You’re in the cat’s spot.

14. A cat’s life is wonderful. Really, really wonderful. But also totally exhausting.

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