Russian Blue / Nebelung
If you are looking for a gentle, quiet, intelligen...
If you are looking for a gentle, quiet, intelligen...
If the call of the wild is what attracts you to ca...
Curly-coated cats come along occasionally, the res...
The Sphynx seems like a contradiction: a hairless
Don’t confuse the longhaired Ragamuffin with his...
This curly coated cat is friendly, loving, and cur...
He looks wild, but he’s usually mild. The Kurili...
This fun-loving cat brings good luck to everyone w...
The Tonkinese is a medium-size cat with a solid bo...
The Angora is a natural breed, not manmade, and ex...
The Turkish Van is nicknamed the “swimming c...
This cat stands out for his small size, black-tipp...